A Haven of Peace, a Piece of Heaven
The Bield at Blackruthven
Retreat and Conference Centre

Holding Space - Vessel Making March
26th March 2025
10:00 - 16:00
Holding Space
The practice of ‘Holding space’ refers to the act of being fully present. A conscious effort to maintain a safe accepting environment, free from distractions, where you can listen attentively to the other be that someone else or the still small voice of God.
After a day of meditative making, you will have your own vessel to take home to hold space or whatever you choose to place in it.
Vessel Meditation
The day will begin with a guided meditation using a found object as your inspiration for an imaginative narrative and prayerful exploration.
Creating Form
The rest of the day will be spent meditating as you make in response to this initial meditation.
Paper and cloth or various forms, air dried clay, wet felting and needle felting are all available to be explored as mediums for enabling your ideas to take shape as you give yourself space and time to acknowledge the emotions and epiphanies that may arise while your hands are busy in the embodied making process.
Liz Crichton

Liz is the Art Facilitator here at the Bield. Trained in the Ignatian tradition, leading creative retreat days is part of her ministry here, and an integral part of her own spiritual journey.
She is always excited by opportunities to create liminal spaces where, for a short time, perhaps the unimaginable becomes possible and the mysteries of God can be revealed through our own creative expression.