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Writing as Spiritual Practice

Writing as Spiritual Practice

Two Day Course 17th October and 14th November

10:00-16:30 both days

£105 for both days

This is a two- day retreat with writing time in-between.

“When we are connected to the writing process we learn to think more deeply and intensely. We learn to contemplate and reflect more thoroughly. Writing becomes a searchlight on our world…– Michael Lewin

Participants will explore creative writing as a means of reflecting on their personal and spiritual life experiences. A series of writing exercises and prompts will encourage you to produce your own written reflections.

There will be times of sharing what we have written, reading our creative expressions aloud to each other, so as you can get to know your voice, and find your rhythm.

Spiritual Writing

Spiritual writing invites us to draw closer to the mystery that we can never comprehend. It is a creative process, by which we can heighten our attention to what is inside us and what lies beyond us, that offers the potential for healing and reconciliation.

As we give ourselves permission to wonder, we open ourselves to the possibility of everyday epiphanies and unexpected gifts.

Finding Your Voice

We all have many voices inside us, for example child, friend, spouse, etc. writing enables them each to be heard and have a conversation with each other, with yourself and with God.

The Exercises

There will be opportunities to write about your life, to respond to a picture or object, to explore how we respond to the everyday with our senses.

We will also spend some time engaging with biblical texts, encouraging our imagination to combine the sacred and the mundane to fashion them into our own stories to live by, as we trust in the process to construct our own theologies of faith.

” The words that enliven the soul are more precious than jewels.” - Hazat Inayat Khan

Please bring writing paper or a journal / notebook and you favourite pen if you have one.


Liz Crichton

Writing as Spiritual Practice

Liz is the Art Facilitator here at the Bield. She leads creative retreat days is part of her ministry.  She is always excited by opportunities to create liminal spaces where, for a short time, perhaps the unimaginable becomes possible and the mysteries of God can be revealed.

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