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  • Writer's pictureBield at Blackruthven

Biodiversity and The Bield

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

I am writing this blog with COP26 going on in Glasgow. I may get a chance to go in and see what it is about later in the week. But how is it relevant to us in our rural setting, far from the crowds?

I walk on the farm and in the woods around here daily with our dogs. It is always a delight to see them moving about using their noses to “see” and to hunt in the undergrowth. There is ever something new to be explored.

On this day I began to notice the mushrooms and fungi about the place, and I started to photograph them. Some of them look like “traditional” mushrooms, the right shape, colour and size to easily identify them as such. Others are distinctly different, sculptural, colourful, imaginatively different from the mushrooms.

Below I share some of my photos with you. I invite you to sit with them for a bit and enjoy the variety present in these pictures.

What would be God’s purpose with this variety of shape apart from wild imagination and having fun? Well, see for yourself … what do you see and feel about it?

And now you have seen these wonders, can you then also see the great importance of what COP26 (Conference of Parties 26) needs to do for us all: Enable us to keep the diversity and beauty for generations to come by caring actively for our planet and its many inhabitants, human and non-human, plants, organisms and ecosystems. Many who come to the Bield say that the environment here is healing: they heave a sigh of relief when they arrive and see the trees and they find the beauty of this place touching their heart.

Long may it last.


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