A Haven of Peace, a Piece of Heaven
The Bield at Blackruthven
Retreat and Conference Centre

The Carpenter’s Chapel at The Bield
The Chapel at The Bield is our engine room. It is here we get our motivation to carry on, it is here we gather twice daily for prayer, and when asked, we pray here with people who are staying with us as guests. Daily, during the working week we share in the reading of a poem, a liturgy, and the Scriptures and listen to what they have to say to us, share our insights, and the Holy Spirit opening our hearts. We sing praise to God our Creator and express our thanksgiving for the gift of life. Here, we are reminded of our calling to offer hospitality, welcome, healing, prayer, inclusivity, and companionship. Here, on Sundays, we meet with our guests for the Eucharist, and prayer with the laying on of hands for healing.
When you come to The Bield, be sure to pop in to The Chapel - it is always open - and sense the love, prayer, and peace that has been soaking into it for many years now. And please say a prayer for us at The Bield while you are there... Thank you.

Chapel window
We installed the stained glass window, in 2000 to remind us that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life for us. The road in the stained glass points to the Icon of Jesus Christ. This ancient image (7th Century AD) originated in St Catherine’s Monastery at Mount Sinai, and was collected there and gifted to The Bield by a friend. It shows Christ as a teacher, Scriptures on his arm, a hand lifted in blessing.

Join us for worship and prayer
Our worship is generally ecumenical and we mainly use Iona and Northumbria Community liturgies steeped in Celtic ways of praying. All are welcome to join us, and we seek to make newcomers at ease through a short introduction to our service.
Here, we invite all to share reading the liturgy round the Chapel so that everyone has a sense of belonging. We sing together, acapella, and all may join in. If some need to be silent during the services we leave them in peace as the rest of us continue, carrying them as part of the body of Christ with us.
In the silence thou art waiting
For my soul to quiet within me
And in the silence as I wait here
I know that thou will come and find me
Let my heart, with quiet abandon
Ever delight to wait and hear thee;
Let my soul reach joyous peace now
Now that I know
That thou art near