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Experiencing the darkness

Darkness and night at Blackruthven can be wonderful. Going out into the pitch black with the dogs after dinner is an adventure. We only carry a torch for emergencies. To follow the invitation to trust the darkness until my eyes begin to tune in and are enabled to see contours and shadows is exciting. In most areas around the Bield there is no light interference at all.

More often than not, the night sky reveals the stars in their twinkling multitudes : the constellations, the Milky Way. The more I look the vaster the heavens appears. I am drawn upwards and outwards into the night dome. At times I have an impression of the curving of the Milky Way and of knowing I’m on a circling planet. My heart leaps when I see stars twinkle through naked branches, like celestial Christmas decorations. Georgia .O’Keefe painted that painting. I am fascinated by the moon journeying from a tiny crescent to near bursting. The rising of the moon through the trees is inspiring, especially the full moon, and the light it casts. With the reflection off the white wall in the walled garden , I can read in its light.

From a distance, I can see the movements of Molly , the horse, and the sheep and rabbits, sometimes a deer in the mystical moon light. I wonder at the satellites crossing the canopy at speed. When I see a shooting star and make my wish I so enjoy it.

I invite you to take some time to reflect on your experiences of darkness.

I imagine the three kings travelled by night most of the time - their guide was the Bethlehem star.

Speaking to God in Psalm 139, the psalmist says,

It’s a fact: darkness isn’t dark to you; night and day, darkness and light, they’re all the same to you.

We can trust God’s presence in darkness as in light. Our own spiritual journeys often take place in a cloak of darkness. We are invited to trust that the tender love of God is already there. Discernment offers a glimmer of light which - in time and after waiting- becomes awareness and fuller light. Like Jesus who was born out of darkness like all babies are, into this world, but he to be the true light for all time. A light that cannot be extinguished.

In darkness and light, every good wish for Christmas to you and your loved ones.


Georgia o’Keefe , The Lawrence Tree

As we wait again to celebrate the birth of the true Light ,

“Draw winter’s shawl around your shoulders

Wrap yourself in soothing darkness

Feel the embrace of God’s love.

Find comfort in hidden places,

Know you need not fear the dark.”

Excerpt from : Seeking Silence by Fiona van Wissen

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