The title of this blog is the name of a project being rolled out by WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) in their ITV television campaign. This new initiative shines a light on mental health and how nature can be ‘prescribed’ as a healing agent.
I was privileged to be asked to lead a well-being session with one of the WWF staff teams in London last month. In my preparation and reading the latest research on the links between mental health and nature, I was reminded again of the gifts that The Bield can offer to the world. It is often humbling to hear when guests experience God’s healing during their time here, through a deep connection with our natural environment.
The Season of Creation draws to a close this week but our commitment to the health and well-being of our planet should not end. Knowing that the natural world can be a medicine for body, mind and spirit, should (I pray) mean we continue to commit to caring for it. Maybe the notion of reciprocity comes into play here- where giving and receiving become part of our daily lives. Gratefulness for the gifts we have received from trees, plants, flowers, air, wind, water, earth etc. transforms into a love and care for them in action. But how can we act? By using our power of choice as consumers and using our voices and bodies to protect and protest against unjust systems that degrade and destroy God’s good creation.
A few weeks ago, I joined Christians for Climate Action in a peaceful pilgrimage around Edinburgh, with the theme ‘Restore Nature Now!’ Ewan and I were given a banner to carry as we traversed the capital, pausing to hear speakers at key locations and landmarks. On the way we encountered hundreds of people, most signalled their support and some cheered us and the message we were promoting. It was a gentle reminder of the power and necessity of nature for our lives and well-being.
“Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect.” Laudato si’
You might like to reflect on your own relationship with the natural world. Have you ever experienced a sense of healing in God’s good creation?
When we love something, we will care for it. Maybe your prescription this Autumn is to spend time with nature in order to deepen your love and care for it.
A Psalm of Praise
Bless, O bless, my soul
The source of all creation
Bless the One whose
goodness abounds
Trees whisper their praise
in the movement of
leaf and branch
Birds call
feasting on seed and berry
song on the breath of wind
River, pond, burn and sea
in movement and stillness
set for good
bringing forth life
Sun, moon and stars
waxing and waning
light and shadow
Praise for the One
who is all in all
mystery and friend
known yet unknowable
Bless, O God, my soul
whose creation
sings its Creator
