A Haven of Peace, a Piece of Heaven
The Bield at Blackruthven
Retreat and Conference Centre
My Items
Events Programme
Writing as Spiritual Practice
Two Day Course 17th October and 14th November
This is a two- day retreat with writing time in-between.
“When we are connected to the writing process we learn to think more deeply and intensely. We learn to contemplate and reflect more thoroughly. Writing becomes a searchlight on our world… “ – Michael Lewin
Participants will explore creative writing as a means of reflecting on their personal and spiritual life experiences. A series of writing exercises and prompts will encourage you to produce your own written reflections.
There will be times of sharing what we have written, reading our creative expressions aloud to each other, so as you can get to know your voice, and find your rhythm.
£105 for both days
Lets Sing! - A Day Retreat
1st November 2024
Praise God!
Sing to God a new song
… Let the faithful
exult in glory;
let them sing for joy.”
Psalm 149:1 & 5
Do you enjoy singing? Learning new songs that express something of your faith in God? Giving voice to your spirituality? Tapping your toes, playing a drum or shaking a, well, shaker?! If so, this retreat may be for you.
15th-17th Novemeber 2024
This weekend retreat for women is an invitation to reflect on our beauty and goodness as those who embody the image of God.
Too often women hear messages telling them their beauty is about how they look or is valued by how they conform to society’s expectations. In this retreat we will be countering that message by celebrating with the God who declared, with a heart bursting full of love, “Women, I have created you in my image and likeness and you are good!”
A HerSpace Event.
Wellness Day for NHS Staff - November
26th November 2024
Wellness Days for NHS staff
Why not join others from the NHS and come and spend a day at the beautiful Bield to slow down, relax and unwind?
The last few years have been challenging for many NHS employees with unprecedented pressures, stress and anxiety affecting energy levels and people’s sense of wellbeing.
This day is for those who would like to take some time out and tend to their own wellbeing.
£40 - NHS Tayside staff need to bring a voucher from their wellness coordinator for free entry
Wellness Day for NHS Staff - October
18th October 2024
Wellness Days for NHS staff
Why not join others from the NHS and come and spend a day at the beautiful Bield to slow down, relax and unwind?
The last few years have been challenging for many NHS employees with unprecedented pressures, stress and anxiety affecting energy levels and people’s sense of wellbeing.
This day is for those who would like to take some time out and tend to their own wellbeing.
£40 - NHS Tayside staff need to bring a voucher from their wellness coordinator for free entry
Seasonal Quiet Garden Days - winter
3rd December 2024
“If you stand still for a few minutes in the relentless onward rush of 21st century life you might hear a quiet but insistent undercurrent. It is the cry of our heartsfor space and time just to be, to listen to the
heartbeat of creation, to let our souls catch up. Quiet gardens offer just such longed-for oases of peace. They open up once more what all our busy-ness has buried – the precious gift of hearttime
and soul-space.” - Margaret Silf – patron of The Quiet Garden Movement
£60 per day
Seasonal Quiet Garden Days - Autumn
15th October 2024
“If you stand still for a few minutes in the relentless onward rush of 21st century life you might hear a quiet but insistent undercurrent. It is the cry of our heartsfor space and time just to be, to listen to the
heartbeat of creation, to let our souls catch up. Quiet gardens offer just such longed-for oases of peace. They open up once more what all our busy-ness has buried – the precious gift of hearttime
and soul-space.” - Margaret Silf – patron of The Quiet Garden Movement
£60 per day
Journey into Healing Workshop
30th November 2024
I’m going out to clean the pasture spring:
I’ll only stop to rake leaves away
(and wait to watch the water clear, I may):
I sha’nt be gone long. – You come too.
In just a few lines Robert Frost has captured the essence of a Journey into Healing workshop.
Participants are invited to visit the spring in their lives; to gather leaves that may have accumulated; to find some means to remove the blockage; and to do it together in a group setting. We will invite you to do your work and come together to finish it.
Going Deeper with the Enneagram
2nd November 2024
“To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift.” - Wrote Aldous Huxley “Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves
“Know yourself”
[Socrates, Greek philosopher 470 BC 399 BC]
To know ourselves is a key to how we see the world and understand how we can relate to others. Based on ancient philosophic traditions, the Enneagram is a tool that describes nine different characters.
£60 - includes lunch and hot drinks
Enneagram Introduction Day
5th October 2024
“To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift.” - Wrote Aldous Huxley “Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves
Based on ancient philosophic traditions, the Enneagram is a tool that describes nine different characters. This will help you understand the personality types of yourself and others.
£60 - includes lunch and hot drinks
Body Prayer Capacitar Wellness Taster
19th October 2024
The practices help transform stress and pain deriving from illness, violence, and the stresses of daily life and open the individual up towards greater wholeness and wellbeing. As individuals get in touch
with their own source of healing and wisdom they can help others.
Her Space - A monthly Spirituality Group for Women
Monthly on Thursdays starting 19th September 2024
Please Register by Friday 23rd August 2024
A space for
women’s wisdom,
women’s words,
women’s witness,
A space for soul food,
food for thought,
real food
A space for creative expression
wellness practices
sacred story and ritual
HerSpace is a monthly women’s spirituality group made up of about15 women who commit to journeying together from September 2024 to May 2025.
This commitment helps us deepen relationships and grow in trusting each other with our stories and experiences.